The World Game

I’m not sure where this game came from, and if anyone else has ever played it but didn’t learn it from us please let me know. I am very curious as to where this came from, or if we just made it up. Who knows?
This game is best played on the sand bar but we have definitely played it in our dirt driveway.
Step 1) Make a gigantic circle in the ground with a stick (try to be as even as possible and don’t make a weird egg)
Step 2) Divide the circle into however many participants you have. Try to be fair and don’t give your little sister the smallest bit.
Step 3) Name your piece with a country that starts with the same letter as your name. I was always Japan, Jamaica, or Jordan, Vanessa was Venezuela, and Beth was Bermuda or Bahamas.
Step 4) Find a softish object that you can still throw without it being caught in the wind. A flip flop works nicely.
Step 5) Whoever made the circle goes first. They take the flip flop, edge towards the end of their “country” scream a country and then throw the flip flop onto their land. Ex. If I made the circle I would take the flip flop and yell “Bahamas!” Then throw it on their land.
a) The flip flop must land on their land.
b) Fake outs are accepted.
c) You generally want to throw it to whoever is furthest away from you.
Step 6) As soon as you hear a country called you run as fast as you can away from that country.
Step 7) Whoever it was thrown at has to run to the flip flop as quickly as they can and yell freeze!
a) Everyone must stop exactly as they are.
Step 8) The person holding the flip flop assesses who is around, chooses who is closest, walks to the edge of their land, and then tosses the flip flop at them.
a) You cannot walk off your land.
b) Whoever is being thrown at can duck or move their body whatever way they can without moving their feet.
Step 9) If the person is hit whoever threw the flip flop can now steal land from this person. If the person is not hit, the one being thrown at gets to steal land from the thrower. Stealing land is tricky and the rules are debated almost every time.
a) To steal land you have to use one finger on one hand to swipe a usually semi circular shape piece of land from the others land.
b) You cannot lift your feet while swiping land.
c) You can only use one hand.
d) When your piece is taken you erase the old line dividing your land and now this piece is yours to stand on.
Step 10)  Whoever was thrown at now has the flip flop and repeats step 1 through 9.
Step 11) You lose this game when all of your land is taken, and you win the game when you have conquered the entire world. I cannot remember a single instance where someone has taken over the world.
a) Usually the tide comes in and destroys your world.
b) You get tired of the game after the first person gets out.
c) There are so many other things to do on the beach.
Anyways, we had a tonne of fun playing this game and I hope other people played it too! It’s a cute classic kid beach game.
Update: According to Jared people play it in PEI, so we probably didn’t make it up.
Update 2: I guess Aunt Wanda found it in a book of outside games for kids! Thanks Tash :)

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