Do you support gender based equal opportunity (also known as employment equity or in the U.S. affirmative action) hiring policies?

Gender based equal opportunity means making women’s rights equal to men’s, and men’s rights equal to women’s. I agree 100% that women and men should be treated equally in every aspect, including pay, hours, maternal and paternal leave, benefits, treatment, etc. If everyone was treated equally, with equal opportunities, and fair unbiased treatment, then I suppose there would be nothing left to fight for.
             Slowly, society is starting to understand that everyone should be treated equally. Decades ago, there were protestors for African American (and Canadian) rights, then women’s rights, now it’s women’s and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) rights. I think it’s about time for society to wake up, realize we are all human, deal with it, and carry on accordingly.
This isn’t going to happen overnight, but eventually (probably after my lifetime) gender based equal opportunity, and the fact that we needed legislation for it, will be laughed at by future generations. We laugh at the silly right-wingers for protesting interracial marriage back in the day, and future generations will be laughing at us for making a big deal about equal opportunities for men, women, and everyone. They will probably say something like, “Well duh, of course everyone is equal, we’re all just human after all.”
This topic taps the border of the religious nutters who are running around trying to make birth control and abortion illegal, while giving absolutely zero benefits to young, unemployed, single mothers, and children living in poverty. It’s a crazy world, our future is going to have to take care of it, and they’re going to be scolding the memory of us living in the back-wards times.
One day we’ll have equal rights and opportunities for all. One day. 

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