Cooper aka Foreskin aka Faggot aka Fatty McFatcat aka Wobbles Gut

One summer while working in the ghetto (can I say ghetto? aw fuck it who cares), yes the ghetto, there were two of the most pitiful, stinky, flea infested kittehs that lived under the steps of where I worked.

My coworker and I instantly fell in love. 

After calling my mom and dad separately hoping one would say that I could rescue the poor kitteh, they both said no. I took the kitteh back to my apartment anyway.

I lived with Luke. 
He's rockin'. 

He was adamant all summer that we could not have a kitteh, because I already had several at my parents house in the country. I brought this poor little stinkbomb home, wrapped in a lost box sweater, and went to the store to get him some food and toys. 

Luke came home and although I wasn't there to see it apparently it was love at first sight.There were rainbows and fireworks I'm sure. 

After I took him to the vet, got him not one but two flea baths, medicine, a complete checkup, and a lot of fawning from the vet ladies, I took Cooper The Trooper home on public transit. Yes, I was a crazy cat lady flaunting my craziness for the world to see. I was that girl. 

Luke loved Cooper, or as he and his awesomely loud friends called him; Foreskin. My poor Coopy was unknowingly called a piece of male anatomy for the first month of his life with me.

My living arrangement for the summer was temporary as Luke and I both had to go back to school, so off Cooper went to live with my parents, three other kitteh's, and one overly rambunctious dog. 

I could ramble forever about my rescue kitteh. But I won't. Just know that every member of my family and or friends has a different name for him, including, but not limited to, Faggot. 

The End :3 

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