Am I a feminist?

I wasn’t sure what a feminist was even after reading up, so I decided to look at some definitions.

A feminist literally means that you are a person who supports feminism. There is a large misunderstanding throughout society that you must be a woman to be a feminist. This is certainly not true. Being a feminist simply means that you support feminism. Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is "an advocate or supporter of the rights and equality of women (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012)."
Of course I am all for women’s rights and the equality of women, but I would hardly consider myself an advocate. I’m not a campaigner, backer, activist, sponsor, or any other synonym relating to the word “advocate.” Thoughts of women’s rights rarely, if ever, enter my daily thinking mind. The only time I consider women’s rights is when I hear something outrageous, like how some states are able to fire women for using birth control, or states that do not allow abortions. These are pretty much the only times I pause to think about feminism. In fact, until this course, I did not even have a clear definition as to what a feminist or feminism is.

                Now that I am more informed, I think that I can say with confidence that although I appreciate the rights I have as a woman, no, I am not a feminist. I have never protested for women’s rights (or protested for anything, if we want to get right down to it), I never follow politicians who have the interests of women at heart, and I’ve never particularly cared about women’s rights in a historical sense, and our journey to get where we are today. I’m not sure if that makes me apathetic, lazy, or just uncaring, but this course will hopefully open my eyes to a new, unexplored, world for me.

                I think a lot of people’s views of what it means to be a feminist is skewed. Prior to reading the definition of a feminist, I simply thought that a feminist was an angry man-hater with a personal vendetta against men, or someone who women who are not feminists. I always hear the words, “You just put the women’s rights movement back 40 years” or some variation of this saying when a girl says she would be happy being taken care of financially by a man and wants to rear children at home and be a house wife. I don’t think an individual woman’s wants and desires could put the women’s movement back and erase all of that hard work. I think women should have the right to choose to do whatever she wants with her life and body, and no one should condemn her for that (unless it’s hurting someone else, of course).

                In short, yes I enjoy the benefits I have as a woman born in this day and age, but no I am not a feminist. 

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