Lobsters, Dinosaurs, and Aliens, Oh My!

The fossil record of clawed lobsters extends back at least to the Valanginian Age of the Cretaceous.  That means lobsters were homies with dinosaurs!  

Lobsters are invertebrates, with a hard protective exoskeleton. Like most arthropods, lobsters must molt in order to grow, which leaves them vulnerable. During the molting process, several species change color.

This color DOES NOT include bright red. Lobsters turn red after they are boiled, hence why pop culture and the media portrays them as red. Because they’re ignorant and they’ve never packed lobsters at 2am on Boxing Day.

Lobsters can be black, brown, purple, green, grey, orange, and even bright blue!

Why does a lobster turn red when cooked?

The red pigment is the most stable component of the coloring in a lobster shell. The greens and browns which darken the shell in a live lobster are destroyed by cooking.

If you think lobsters are red when they are in the wild and alive you sir are a cotton headed ninny muggins and will be treated as such.

Lobsters, like snails and spiders, have blue blood due to the presence of haemocyanin contains copper. Also, lobsters are very snobbish like societal Blue Bloods and have many servants within their household which they do not treat nicely at all.  

A male lobster is called a cock and a female a hen or chicken.

Berried females carry thousands of eggs attached to their swimmerets. Depending on water temperatures, the eggs will remain attached for about a year on average.  Only .1% of the eggs will make it over six weeks after being dropped.

If a lobster happens to lose a limb in a fight (lobsters have turf wars!), something bigger was trying to eat it, or it amputates a limb in fear of being killed, it was grow whatever limb it loses back, much like a lizard’s tail.

Recent research suggests that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age. In fact, older lobsters are more fertile than younger lobsters. It has been argued that lobsters may exhibit negligible senescence and some scientists have claimed that they could effectively live indefinitely, barring injury, disease, capture, etc.

 “Imma chill with dino’s then kick it with post apocalyptic aliens k?”

According to the Guinness World Records, the largest lobster was caught in Nova Scotia, Canada, and weighed 20.15 kilograms (44.4 lb

I’m more interested in looking at the diver meOW!

Lobsters are omnivores, and typically eat live prey such as fish, molluscs, other crustaceans, worms, and some plant life. They scavenge if necessary, and may resort to cannibalism in captivity.  

Because of their scavenging nature lobsters are known as the cockroaches of the sea
In early times lobsters were known as “poor mans food” and only after lobster was popularized it was a constant source of shame to bring a lobster sandwich to work or school.

Now, lobster sandwiches with mayo and onion on toasted bread are a coveted home food! Along with lobster chowder, lobster dip, lobster omelette, and a recipe I’m almost certain my family made up called “crabbies” which were originally made with crab meat but of course we changed it to lobster.

The most common lobster fishing vessel is the Cape Islander! A Cape Island style fishing boat is a single keeled flat bottom at the stern and more rounded towards the bow. It originated on Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia about 1905. (Various online sources cite years 1905, 1906, and 1907.

The design is most commonly credited to Ephraim Atkinson of Clark's Harbour, Nova Scotia. The other claim to the boat's design is an accomplished boat-builder from Clark's Harbour, William A. Kenney, who is said to have constructed the first Cape Islander entirely from wood in 1905.

This boat can now be seen in use all over coastal Nova Scotia, North America, and the world.

So love your lobster, ever though they will crush your hand into oblivion, stink up your house for eternity when you boil them, your dad needs his special knife just to shuck them (yes, shuck), and they generally don’t even taste that good without being made into something else. Enjoy.

The End :3

Content: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobster
Alien: http://www.crtoys.ca/images/neca_avpr_alien.jpg
Lobster: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/photos/uncategorized/2009/01/13/lobster.jpg
Cadbury : http://content7.flixster.com/photo/11/29/97/11299749_gal.jpg
Cooked lobster: http://www.canada-seafood.com/images/Lobster.jpg
Pregnant lobster: http://njscuba.net/zzz_uw/riggy_lobster_berries.jpg
Elf : http://www.google.ca/images?hl=en&safe=active&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=elf+raccoon&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=
Lobster close up: http://usa.stockfood.com/images-pictures/Close%20Up%20of%20Live%20Maine%20Lobster%20Face-689137.jpg
Lobster under ocean: http://www.bb-films.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/lobster.jpg
Dinosaur: http://herdingcats.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341ca4d953ef0128760c9125970c-800wi
Large lobster: http://www.diveplanet.co.nz/myimages/milo_1.jpg
Hannibal lobster: http://lobstertube.info/lobsterDM0811_468x521.jpg
Hannibal Lecter: http://www.celeb-soundboards.com/thumbs/hannibal-lecter.jpg
Lobster sandwich : http://www.nypost.com/pagesixmag/issues/20080622/images/food/exclusivedishes/4.jpg
Cape islander: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:YarmouthNS_FishingBoats.jpg
Content: My magnificent random fact remembering mind


  1. I've never heard that female lobsters are called chickens lol.
    My mom refuses to eat lobster now, she said she had too much of it as a child because they were poor!

  2. Love this one Jo...especially the part about the apocalyptic aliens!!

  3. Thanks guys :D this one might be my favorite!
