The Most Ungrateful Cat That Ever Lived

Ode to the most ungrateful kitteh that ever kitteh'd.

I really love it when you bite my hand when i try to pet you. I especially like it when you grab my hand, bite, and ferociously kick my hand into oblivion. 

Your favourite sleeping spot, aka the fruit basket on top of the diswasher, is most convenient because it's the most high-traffic area of the house and hence most people will try and pet you. You are so smart little Smudgie, because your vortex of hate will surly entrap all who dare to pet your ears.  

It's a good thing you have an internal clock that demands you need love and attention between the hours of 3-4am because how else would our sleep be interrupted? Surely not with safe snuggly dreams in our nice warms beds. 

I'm also really happy that your favourite thing to do while you're all hyper and insane is to hide in the rolled up area rug in the living room. 

I like that you terrorize our other kitteh's as they pass by, and especially when you see a persons feet walk by and you think it's the perfect opportunity to play claw tag. 

We fed you by hand dropper from birth since your mother died, and this is how you show love and appreciation. We all love you for it Smudgie, 

lol JK we effing hate you Smudgie. Go play in traffic. 

The End :3